Wednesday 23 December 2009


1. How UK media fuelled race prejudice;prev_next=prev

“Negative racial images cannot not be resolved by ‘a few more black faces on the screen’ or by an extra documentary or two on immigrant problems"

The above quote is linked to my study as I will be looking into whether the media challenges or reinforces racial stereotypes among ethnic minorities. It was said by Stuart Hall, the creator of stereotypes. It puts into perspective that in order to allow ethnic minorities to be represented, the media put more Black and Asian faces on the screen in order to show that they are being represented rather than putting a stop to the current problems surrounding their portrayal within the media.

2. How are ethnic minorities portrayed in the media

"Black people, particularly Afro-Caribbeans are often portrayed in the media as criminals."

This can be applied to my study as I can relate it to my main text. The film "Kidulthood" could show the reinforcement of stereotypes among ethnic minorities as it portrays Black teenagers as criminals by showcasing scenes of them making weapons, selling drugs, and stealing other people’s possessions. The above quote puts into perspective that there is already a current stereotype which surrounds Black people which as a result could allow me to investigate further reasons as to why this may be.

3. Top soaps accused of stereotyping ethnic minorities

“Ethnic minority viewers accused all broadcasters of tokenism and stereotyping, screening exaggerated and extreme representations of minorities and failing to reflect modern ethnic minority culture.”

These misguided representations could be seen as somewhat of a positive sign as ethnic minorities are being represented, however they are more than likely to be seen as negative as ethnic minority viewers feel that they are being represented in the wrong way. As a result, the above quote can be applied to my study as I can put into perspective that although ethnic minorities are being represented they are being represented in the wrong way.

4. Moral Panic

“A moral panic refers to the reaction of a group of people based on the false belief that another sub-culture or a group poses danger to the society.”

The above quote can be linked to my study as I will be looking into what moral panics are and how they are created. I can also apply this to my study when talking about the recent increase in the amount of Blacks and Asians being stopped and searched following the 7/7 London bomb attack, and how films such as “Kidulthood” and “Adulthood” could have created a moral panic among society.

5. All-black EastEnders makes soap history - as in lesson

“EastEnders is a show that claims to represent life in the heart of multicultural London, which has put out thousands of hours of television - and yet it has taken more than two decades to dedicate a full 30 minutes to a black family.”

While I admire the intention, you can't just ignore race for 23 years then try to cram everything you know into 30 minutes.” Hannah Pool - (writer of the article)

The above quotes comes from an article which talks about EastEnders broadcasting its first episode in its 23-year history with an all-black cast. The said episode focused on Patrick Trueman reminiscing about his arrival in London in the 1950s and how he had faced many obstacles like all black people such as the Notting Hill race riots. Both quotes set up a possible connotation that this may have been EastEnders’ way of trying to show a fair representation of black people, and put into perspective how far they have come over the years .i.e. from being the subjects of racial torments to being accepted among society.

Both quotes link to my study as they put into perspective that although EastEnders may have produced this episode in good spirits, they have tried to cram everything they know into one 30 minute episode which on the positive allows them to be represented in a more equal and fair way than they usually are.

6. A Long Way to Go: Minorities and the Media

“Whether intentionally or unintentionally, both the news and the entertainment media ‘teach’ the public about minorities, other ethnic groups and societal groups, such as women, gays, and the elderly. Second, this mass media curriculum has a particularly powerful educational impact on people who have little or no direct contact with members of the groups being treated.”

The above quote can be linked to my study as it showcases elements of the media theory of Marxism and Hegemony and puts into perspective that the media play a vital role in forming our views and opinions for us, and forces us to think in the same way it does. By stating that the mass media teaches people who have had little or no direct contact with members of the groups being treated, it connotes that the mass media tend to represent specific groups in a particular way in order to have a control over what people will think about them, and also allows for the development of stereotypes and prejudice thinking as people will already think in a particular way and will have already formed their views and opinions about these groups even without having contact with them.

7. Does TV shape ethnic images?

Many regard television as a learning tool and an accurate reflection of the real world. Forty percent of students say they learn a lot from TV, and one in four agree that "TV shows what life is really like," and "people on TV are like in real life."

The above quote links to my study as it showcases elements of putting into perspective the media theory of Marxism and Hegemony. It states that one in four students watch TV in order to see what people are like in real life. This can put into perspective that the media reinforces the way in which we think about the world around us and possibly maintains a control over what we think.

8. Insinuating Images Influence Perceptions

“The media have contributed powerfully to the way that minority groups are viewed, including the ways minority members view themselves.”

Through the ways in which ethnic minority groups have been represented in the media, it has contributed to the way in which others view them and how they view themselves. The above quote links to my study as it puts into context that the media represent ethnic minorities in their own way, whether it be positive or negative which as a result allows for the development of stereotypes but also for the development of personal identification as it enables the ethnic minorities to see if they can relate to what is being shown onscreen.

9. Media Stereotyping - Introduction

“Stereotypes act like codes that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of people - usually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation.”

The above quote links to my study as I will be discussing what stereotypes are and how they can come about.

10. Channel 4. Race, Representation and the Media 2007 Research Report

“Representation in itself is not a clear-cut concept as it can mean different things to different groups and expectations vary between communities.”

The above quote links to my study as they discuss ways in which people view representation. It can put into context that white audience members may view ethnic minority representations as positive as a result of them playing a role within UK broadcasting, whilst on the other hand it can put into perspective that ethnic minority audiences may view the representations as negative due to the fact that they may feel that the media is using stereotypes in order to represent them. It also puts into perspective that people have their own opinions about what they feel is representation and what is misrepresentation.

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